5 Trending Github Repositories to help Programmers

Keep exploring, you will discover a new path

Exploring has always been my favorite job. The pleasure of new things is very stimulating. Today I was surfing around the Github Trending page and discovered some great Repositories that can help a newbie, a learner, or maybe you, who are reading this right now. Alright! so, without any further delay, Let's get into our first Repo.

Free Programming Books

GitHub is a place where most of the users use freely available codes and Repo for various purposes. But just looking at others' Codes and copy-paste does not help much to learn. Instead, reading books and understanding concepts help us build our foundation. That's where this Repo comes to help. It has expanded to become one of the most popular GitHub Repository, with 243,000+ stars, about 9,700 watchers, more than 7,100 commits, 1,900+ contributors, and 50,000+ forks?!

This Repo has an enormous number of Programming books available in multiple languages. You can choose books by language or subject. It's all sorted there. Moreover, it has links to many free online courses, Cheat sheets, Interactive Programming resources, problem sets, Podcasts, Programming playgrounds, and many more things to explore.

30 Days of Python

There is nothing to explain how Python has become one of the most popular languages today. So, another impressive Repo I landed upon was 30 Days of Python by Asabeneh. It's a 30 days Python programming challenge that guide you to learn Python Programming step-by-step for 30 days. This challenge is for beginners and professionals who want to learn this language. Topics provided easy-to-understand explanations, real-world examples, many hands-on exercises, and projects. In this challenge, you will learn everything you need to be a python programmer and the whole programming concept. At the end of the challenge, you will get a 30DaysOfPython programming challenge certificate.

Build your Own X

Every programmer thinks of building something that may become famous someday as Google and Facebook. Well, you have a chance, now you can start here. Next in the line is a compilation of well-written, step-by-step guides for re-creating our favorite technologies from scratch. It's a great way to create and learn. You can Explore the repository and find many fascinating projects you might be thinking of working on, such as a Game, Front-end Library, Operating System, or maybe a Search Engine like google.

30 seconds of Code

An impressive repository I explored in this collection is itself a collection of code snippets. Who doesn't like time-saving websites to help you build one? The '30 seconds of code' is a short JavaScript code snippet for all your development needs. It includes helpers to deal with primitives, arrays and objects, algorithms, DOM manipulation functions, and Node.js utilities. It has a collection of Javascript, CSS, React Hooks, Python, Javascript algorithms, and Git. These are all free to use. Even if you don't need to use it, You can learn a lot from the collection.

Front-End Checklist

Last but not least is a list of FrontEnd Checks. Confused!?, Let me explain. We know that sometimes Developers have to publish their websites in a rush, and it is a nightmare that they might have missed a significant thing before deploying or handing over the website. Here this Checklist comes to the rescue. It is a checklist to go through once before finalizing your website. All items in the Front-End Checklist are necessary for most projects, but some elements can be omitted or are not essential. It has been built by many experienced Developers and many more open source contributors you can trust.


GitHub has always been a community-centered space. So exploring and reaching out to people has always helped many developers grow and shine. Do visit the links given below to explore more because someone said “Explore, experience, then push beyond”.